What is Guided Therapeutic Writing?

Therapeutic writing inspired by nature

We often feel stuck in our lives and turn to many different types of therapy to relieve that feeling. To become unstuck so that we can feel better.

One thing that we often overlook when we engage in therapeutic practices is the long-term effect we want to achieve. We often focus on the immediate, short-term result- reducing pain and confusion- and ignore the long-term effect we can achieve through a strong therapeutic practice. 

The problem with this short-term plan is that we often find ourselves back in the same position we started in. We never really dug deep enough to find out what’s really going on and why we felt stuck in the first place. We just wanted the stuck feeling to end.

This is where Guided Therapeutic Writing comes in. As a therapeutic practice, guided writing leverages the power of writing to clarify your thoughts in a gentle and effective way. 

Let’s explore what Guided Therapeutic Writing is, but first, we must clear up the misnomer that simply journaling is guided therapeutic writing.

Journaling is an accessible practice that helps you write down your thoughts.  Journaling acts as a venting platform and can help you gain awareness of immediate or recent experiences. As a result of this cathartic process, people can achieve a short-term good feeling from journaling. 

Journaling is a great tool for putting your thoughts on paper, which is an excellent first step for gaining clarity. But, we often read, correct, and change words while we’re journaling. This isn’t so great as it acts as an attempt to control our minds and censor our thoughts. In this process, we interfere in the emergence of the raw truth. 

This is where Guided Therapeutic Writing comes in. 

What is Guided Therapeutic  Writing?

Guided Therapeutic Writing allows you to reveal those deep thoughts by following the prompts and instructions from your guide to help you focus on the present moment without judgment or analysis. This technique involves observing what’s right in front of you and allowing your thoughts to freely flow from your mind to the paper without interference. 

Guided Therapeutic Writing is grounded in Psychological Science as a tool for gaining mental clarity and is often considered medicine for the mind and body. It goes beyond venting to a much deeper level of gained awareness.

Practicing Guided Therapeutic Writing may help you to enhance your emotional stability, reduce stress levels, boost self-awareness, and increase your problem-solving ability. As a result, you can walk away with a clearer mental state and feel ready to take on challenges.

Being consistent with a Guided Therapeutic Writing practice will help you achieve long-term clarity regarding many aspects of your life, placing you in a strong decision-making position. 

Guided Therapeutic Writing Workshops with Trees & Breathe

The goal of my Guided Therapeutic Writing workshops is to help you create a supportive writing space, both mentally and physically, so that you can take a deep dive into your thoughts and come up for air with clarity.

As your guide, I will give you instructions for every step of the workshop.  You will start with a mindful breathing exercise to ground into your writing space and then, you will follow my instructions for immersing into the nature prompts on your screen.  After that, you will begin a gentle and private writing session where your only job is to write.  You will need a pen or pencil, a writing book -a journal or notebook-and a highlighter or another coloured pen. 

During a Guided Therapeutic Writing workshop, you will learn how to transfer your uncensored thoughts onto paper, which will allow you to examine your true thoughts. By letting your thoughts just be, you will gain self-awareness, leading to a strong decision-making position.

Trees & Breathe Therapeutic Guided Writing workshops are inspired by nature as a supportive resource to help unearth deep thoughts and move forward with clarity in any area of your life. 

Join me at our next Guided Therapeutic Writing workshop and gain clarity that will set you on the path to where you want to go in your life.

In trees we trust,


Guided Therapeutic Writing

Inspired by Nature 


5 Simple Steps For a Positive Therapeutic Writing Experience