Enhance your well-being

At a trees&breathe workshop, nature and writing powerfully harmonize to enhance well-being

Whether inside or outside, all of our workshops integrate soothing mindfulness strategies inspired by nature and powerful writing techniques.

This dynamic combination elevates calm and uncovers deep thoughts.

You’ll start to see things clearer than before and use this newfound clarity to elevate your relationships, achievements, and decisions.

All to enhance your well-being.

Your well-being is my priority during every workshop. Regardless of your starting point, I will guide you to a calm, safe space where you can privately explore your deepest thoughts.

Writing Workshops For You

This is my signature workshop series and the best way I can guide you with self-care! Just as the strength of trees is held in its roots, so is ours. In this transformative workshop series, I guide you down to your roots so that you can reveal your deepest thoughts. Seeing that truth carves a path forward. You have lifetime access to six on-demand workshops whenever you’re stuck and need a gentle nudge to move forward. You can do Write To The Root whenever and wherever it’s convenient.

Write To The Root (on-demand)

Redwood trees show us that connecting and helping each other strengthens the grove. Doing a trees&breathe writing workshop is a healthy outlet for your “grove” (group) to connect, reduce stress, and increase strength. Your group may be work, community, interest, family, friends, or any other way you define a group! Whatever your group, I will deliver a custom-designed workshop to ensure everyone feels calmer and clearer-minded. In-person and online options are available.

It is easy to become stressed when we lose sight of the bigger picture and get lost in the details of our lives. Whether you’ve experienced a trees&breathe group workshop, completed Write To The Root, or are new to trees&breathe, elevate your wellness journey with a custom-designed 1-to-1 session. You will privately and safely dig into your thoughts as you harness the profound calming and clarifying power of trees&breathe writing.