I help clouded minds find their way through a deep forest of thoughts.

trees&breathe writing workshops gently guide you toward calm and clarity.

Each workshop is a personal, private journey, guiding you to where you truly want to be.

Your mind and body will relax as you follow my guidelines to immerse in the moment.

You will uncover deep thoughts without judgment or analysis.

You will learn how to organize your thoughts for new clarity to emerge.

woman writing in bed

The trees&breathe method is grounded in proven wellness strategies.

1. Writing methods that provide a safe space to dig into your thoughts and privately release them on paper. As you experience the powerful relationship between writing and thinking, you discover what you really need to know and start seeing your life through a clearer mind.

2. Mindfulness tools to help you stay focused on the present - what is happening right now - without judgment or analysis. This releases the need to worry about the past or the future and creates an opening for peace and truth to emerge.

3. Nature prompts to ease you into a calm state and gain a sense of perspective and strength. This can help to view your life situations in a more manageable way.

“I went from feeling worried to excited and proud of myself.”

— Vanessa

“I am completely mind-blown about the things that have been unveiled. Thank you so very much!”

— Tess

The trees&breathe method provides healthy benefits to you.

Writing strategies

I use writing strategies grounded in Psychological Science to encourage mental clarity. Some of these strategies include expressive writing and freewriting. Often considered medicine for the mind and body, mindful writing can:

  • enhance emotional stability

  • reduce stress levels

  • improve immune system

  • increase problem-solving ability

Mindfulness tools

I integrate mindfulness tools with writing strategies to help create a calm, focused safe writing space for you. The benefits of paying attention to your sensations, feelings, and thoughts in the here and now may include:

  • lowering stress

  • decreasing depression

  • improving memory

  • strengthening relationships

Nature prompts

I bring nature to your writing space for a sense of peace and perspective. Scientific research supports that visual contact with nature may improve people’s well-being. And bird song may have a positive impact on mental health. Benefits may include:

  • reduced stress

  • improved mood

  • enhanced calm

  • opened mind

Go on, do something good for yourself!